We are three women committed to social justice, peacebuilding, and storytelling in Palestine and Israel. We currently live and work in the Jerusalem area and come from diverse backgrounds. Through this podcast we seek to amplify minority voices and perspectives, especially women’s experiences in the private sphere as it is affected by the public sphere. 

Episode 1 - PROLOGUE:


Women are acutely aware of the invisible boundaries that intersect the territories of our lives, between passion and career, personal and professional, private and public. WOMEN BEHIND THE WALL unites those spheres, recognizing that each facet of a woman’s life must be valued and validated in order to get a glimpse of the full, lived human experience. The women featured in this podcast come from a variety of backgrounds and religious traditions: Assyrian, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, and evangelical. 


We hope this podcast reaches people who are both familiar and unfamiliar with what is happening in Palestine and Israel, so you can learn more about how the occupation affects women’s lives, how these women cope, and causes they care about. This is a way for these women to share what they have experienced, and if it moves you, you can support the cause they mention or reach out to them by sending us a message that we’ll pass on to them.

Podcasts are an underused resource in Palestine and Israel, and we hope that other groups will use this medium to share more (and different!) perspectives on what is happening here.

Thank you for your interest in this podcast! We hope you stick around and learn something new.

  -Maria, Shadia & Amber

“Stories are the opposite of walls: they demand release, retelling, showing, connecting, each image chipping away at boundaries. Walls are full stops. But stories are like commas, always making possible the next clause.”
- Charles D. Thompson, Jr., from Border Odyssey: Travels Along the U.S./Mexico Divide

With Gratitude

We would like to extend our gratitude to those who encouraged and supported us along the way, including those who listened to early versions of the episodes and offered us feedback. Thank you to all who have helped us to better tell these women's stories.